The Letter I Sent to Parents
The letter that convinced 100% of parents to switch from private to small group lessons
It was early in 2003. It took me 20 days to get the courage to write it, then 2 hours to pour over my
reasoning as logically as I could, because this was a seismic shift. And I felt more emotionally excited than
rational at this point, so I needed to be succinct in the writing.
Looking back, I surely could have kept some students independent and offered the rest of my students
the small group lessons. That probably would have allayed my own fears about parents disagreeing with
my premise.In the final analysis though, I didn’t have any fears about what the small group lessons could do…so I went all in.
Sink or swim
It became exciting again like it had been when I first began teaching. Those analogies sound cliché but
they really felt deep while living through this big switch.
I told parents why I felt the need to do this, how I’d seen proof of the desired outcomes and that I was
all in.
Luckily, I had a long wait list so I figured if half of my studio decided against the small group lessons,
then I could theoretically fill the spots. But who of us wants to risk saying farewell to students and
parents you love?
I sent the letter and waited for its response. Within 3 days, not even a full 72 hours, I had 100% of my
parents say either “yes” or “let’s give this a try.” Only 2 even had questions. It’s been about 20 years,
but I still remember those responses like it was a few months ago.
One year later,
I still had those same students in the studio but with double the number of students. Small group lessons allow for more in less time than I’d been currently teaching. Win-win-win. I went from 64 to 130 students.
I truly jumped in with both feet and never looked back.
Today I encourage everyone I know to jump with me into the small group pool.
I’ve been helping other teachers learn to do this for years. I can help you too.
Would you’d like to have the letter I sent that got me 100% results?
Subscribe using the form below and the letter will be sent to your email.
There’s lots of room in the small group lesson pool.
Please send me the letter.
Hi! I’d love the letter and to subscribe! Julie Seiber