5 FREE Beginner Lessons
I want to give you a month of beginning piano lessons for free.
While we practice social distancing, I have been touched by all the big and small businesses sharing resources. I have been teaching online lessons for years now using the same curriculum I use in my studio. All my in-studio students are also taking lessons online as of this week due to the virus. My method works because in the first few lessons you are reading right-hand notes and playing songs with both hands.
I would like to share my first five piano lessons for free during these next few weeks. If you have a child that is reading at first-grade level they are ready for these lessons. These lessons are for ANYONE who is reading. I have students in their 80s who are anxiously engaged in lessons! My online lessons typically include a teacher-led learning option, but there aren’t enough hours in the day for hundreds of students! This will be sent as an independent study course. The videos are simple and I will be releasing some free bonus teaching videos to help you master the basics in case you need more instruction.
This program is great for kids to learn on their own, but I have parents who are LOVING learning alongside them.
If you have a piano or keyboard in your home and have access to the internet you have everything you need! It is nearly impossible to find toilet paper or hand soap right now, but there isn’t a keyboard shortage. Hop online and see if you can purchase a keyboard from amazon or another major retailer.
Please share this with other family or friends you think might benefit from these lessons. Let’s make the most of our time at home!
All five lessons with sheet music will be sent to your email within seconds of signing up. No other personal or payment info needed. Let’s continue spreading kindness and praying for everyone affected.
Here is the link to the free lessons:
Coralie Harless